Fruit & Nut Trees

Growing Fruit & Nuts
Few things in this life give as much satisfaction as picking a beautiful, juicy piece of fruit from your own orchard and... more »

Sunscreen for Plants
Home gardeners and commercial fruit and vegetable growers have seen disastrous damage done to their crops by heat-waves over recent years. Even plantings with excellent irrigation systems have... more »

Carob Beans
Carob, Ceratonia siliqua is also called Saint-John's-bread or locust bean.
It grows to about 15 m (50 ft) in height and has dark, evergreen, pinnate leaves. The... more »
It grows to about 15 m (50 ft) in height and has dark, evergreen, pinnate leaves. The... more »

Also known as Pineapple Guava, Guavasteen. Botanical name - Feijoa sellowiana. In more recent times it has been renamed Acca sellowiana.
It is native to extreme southern... more »
It is native to extreme southern... more »

Known as The tree of life by the ancient Egyptians and much enjoyed by Cleopatra and Ulysses, the fig is a wonderful... more »

Tony Stevens' Fig Collection
Tony Stevens undertook a project in Association with the SA Rare Fruit Society which seeks to establish a register of varieties true to name... more »