The Food Forest

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24.6.2013 | The Strawbale 'Cosy Cottage'

A big thanks and great appreciation to all those who came along and participated in our winter Strawbale Workshop weekend. Despite the cold and ever-present threat of rain, the weather gods were kind and skies stayed clear long enough for us to complete all of our outdoor activities which included the building of our new 'cosy cottage'. Matze, our fantastic German capenter, worked alongside Graham, Annemarie and Julia in the days preceding the workshop to get the cottage frame built and roof on.... Read more »

19.8.2012 | We have a new eggmobile!

We are justifiably proud of our elegant eggmobile made from an old, rusting car trailer and pieces of unwanted colourbond and ridge capping. Also satisfying the Permaculture principle of ‘no waste’, chooks are delighted to contribute to the property’s sustainability as they busily eat insect pests and convert the freshly mown sweet corn patch into a fully fertilised seed bed, and lay eggs as a bonus!!! Inside the coop is an ingenious device, a 'Grandpas' feeder', giving the hens access to... Read more »

Consultancy Service

We offer a consultancy service to people or organisations interested in planning sustainable properties or lifestyles. We can operate individually or as a team drawing upon a range of designers with different skills. Reports can range from informal verbal concepts to fully documented and costed plans. Read more »


Permaculture is: sustainable agriculture, alternative energy, ethical investment, organic gardening, whole farm planning, bioregionalism, eco-villages, appropriate technology, alternative economics, solving problems... and much more! Click here to find out when we are running our next Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) and other permaculture-related courses. Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is a framework for thinking about and designing environmentally sustainable farms, gardens, buildi... Read more »


These little Aussie diggers are the key to our oganic farming success at The Food Forest. For a hundred thousand years Australia’s landscape has been tilled by hundreds of thousands of little nocturnal marsupials called bettongs. Their vital function in the environment was lost in South Australia when the Brush Tailed Bettong lost the uneven battle with European settlers and their exotic animals - the fox, the rabbit, the sheep and the cat. Now they are back and are working alongside us at The... Read more »

About The Food Forest

Developed by Annemarie and Graham Brookman and their children Tom and Nikki, the Food Forest is a permaculture farm and learning centre that demonstrates how an ordinary family, with a typical Australian income can grow its own food and create a productive and diverse landscape. When the 15 hectare property was purchased in 1983, it was not much more than a bare barley paddock; only a few towering River Red Gums remained along the Gawler River from the time the Kaurna Aborigi... Read more »

Before & After

Orchard 1987 Orchard 1996 Riverflat 1996 Riverflat 2002 House 1987 House 2002... Read more »