The Food Forest

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Design for Life

See reviews and comments here » Hear an ABC Radio interview about the film ('Video killed the radio star') on the website of Sam Collins, director of the movie » (Watch the movie trailer over on the right). This inspiring documentary tells the story of a young couple who set out to perfect an abundant, sustainable way of living. Using permaculture design they turned a dusty paddock into an idyllic home, profitable farm and vibrant teaching centre Annemarie and Graham Brookman's quest... Read more »

Carob Beans

Carob, Ceratonia siliqua is also called Saint-John's-bread or locust bean. It grows to about 15 m (50 ft) in height and has dark, evergreen, pinnate leaves. The small, red flowers have no petals. The fruit is a brown, leathery pod about 10 to 30 cm (4 to 12 in) long and contains a syrupy to biscuity flesh of an agreeable sweet taste, in which lie a number of seeds. The pods are edible and are often used for livestock feed. The seeds, which are remarkably uniform in size and weight, are thought t... Read more »

Pistachio harvesting & processing

Small scale mechanisation of harvesting and processing This film shows how a family growing pistachios on a small farm in Australia, found small-scale equipment to enable themselves to harvest, process and sell their crop. Their fascinating journey has helped others to source village-scale machinery from Sicily and Greece and unlock the true value of their produce. Small to medium scale growers often find themselves far from processing factories and many prefer to add value to their product and... Read more »

(2011) Developing a national food plan

A submission to the Australian Government by Graham Brookman, The Food Forest, Aug 2011. The development of a national food plan is a welcome initiative in a world with exponential population growth and a massive change in climate that threatens food security. The Government issues paper gave an interesting summary of where Australia has been in terms of food production but gave few insights into the way forward. A food plan for our cities Most Australians live in our capital cities so that is... Read more »

(2006) Permaculture, energy and the future for humans

An email to permaculture designers by Graham Brookman, The Food Forest, May 2006. We are so bombarded by political spin and energy is so central to permaculture that I thought it worthwhile to share my understanding of where we currently are with respect to energy, greenhouse and a future for humans on earth. I believe that the path to a liveable future is still very much a permaculture one but what I have always regarded as an ‘energy sideshow’, compared to the long-term need for a sustainab... Read more »

2009 Australia Day Awards

On Australia Day, 26 Jan 2009, Annemarie and Graham Brookman were named Corporate Citizens of the Year by their local community in Gawler, South Australia. This report of the award written by Sarah Thomas, appeared in the local newspaper, The Bunyip. The article follows... 'Experiment' pays dividends' They are Gawler's Corporate Citizens of the Year, but 25 years ago they did not know exactly what they were getting into! "Our property has been the site of a 25 year experiment to find a sustainab... Read more »

2006 National Banksia Environmental Awards

Finalist: Education category The Banksia Environmental Awards are recognised as Australia’s pre-eminent environmental awards. The awards acknowledge excellence, dedication and leadership in various areas that contribute to the environment and a sustainable future. The Food Forest is a finalist in the 'Education Award - for outstanding achievement in the development and delivery of educational programs, that contribute to the protection, enhancement and sustainability of the Australian environm... Read more »

2005 South Australian Landcare Awards

State Finalist: Rural Press Landcare Primary Producer Award Landcare Australia identifies the top landcarers from each state to compete for the National Title. The bases for judging Australia's best Landcare Primary Producer are: sustainable land and water management practices productivity and environmental condition of the property the property management plan showing how it is coordinated with local landcare or catchment management plans integration of Landcare practices within the commercia... Read more »

2003 South Australian Landcare Awards

Finalist: Individual Landcarer Award Landcare Australia identifies the top landcarers from each state to compete for the National Title. The bases for judging Australia's top Individual Landcarer are: implementation of Landcare/sustainable agricultural practices or help for others to implement Landcare practices; encouragement of others to be involved in Landcare/sustainable agriculture (eg. by speaking Landcare/sustainable agriculture to schools, media, landholders, groups, councils etc); tra... Read more »

2005 Nature Foundation Good Business Environment Awards

Winner: Premier’s Award for Business Environmental Responsibility and Leadership At a ceremony at The Works Function Centre the Honourable John Hill MP, Minister for Environment and Conservation presented the Nature Foundation Good Business Environment Awards to highlight and recognise organizations which have demonstrated innovation, excellence, leadership and commitment to the management of South Australia’s environment. "Our health and quality of life, as well as that of our children, are... Read more »