Latest News

22.1.2015 | The Food Forest Speaks
Have a listen to some of the interviews we've done with Radio National recently at: more »

31.8.2014 | Open Day to spill the beans on sustainable living Sunday August 31
See a fully functioning eco home built from straw-bales, a home garden that produces all the vegetables a family can eat, organically managed orchards in full... more »

4.9.2014 | Foods to beat global warming
'Carob beans and Jujubes (Chinese dates) - growing fine foods for the future'Public workshop to be held September 4, 2014
The Food Forest has teamed with PIRSA... more »
The Food Forest has teamed with PIRSA... more »

24.6.2013 | The Strawbale 'Cosy Cottage'
A big thanks and great appreciation to all those who came along and participated in our winter Strawbale Workshop weekend.
Despite the cold and ever-present threat of... more »
Despite the cold and ever-present threat of... more »

27.5.2013 | 2013 PDC Projects
Amber Weissgerber signed up for the Permaculture Design Certificate course at the Food Forest hoping to learn something about sustainable design to help with problems associated... more »

22.5.2013 | Beautiful, seductive and simple
The words describe a wonderful new cook book capturing the recipes used by Chef Cherise Vallet to take permaculture course participants to ‘another level’. Cherise’s capacity... more »

17.5.2013 | River Repair on track
The monster erosion hole in the south bank of Gawler River absorbed 1300 tonnes of earth, 300 tonnes of rock beaching and has been successfully revegetated... more »

27.3.2013 | Earthworks save public path
Major erosion of the South bank of the Gawler River due to the redirection of the river by a massive log jam, has been repaired through... more »

13.3.2013 | Local premiere for our new movie
With the help of the Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges NRM Board and the Gawler Regional Natural Resource Centre the Food Forest has produced a 40... more »

9.3.13 | Food security & sustainability in the spotlight at WOMADelaide
Is there enough food to feed the world’s growing population? What impact might climate change, water shortages, poor soils and crop disease have on Australian agriculture... more »